My passion

'do it yourself' recipes

1 ) Lipscrub 100% natural

80g sugar (scrub)
60g Cocos oil (smoothner)
20g glycerine (emulsion)
Flavor oil 2 a 4 drops(taste)
Tip : mini bit Micat(color)
Nice lila Color

2) Lipbalm

Beeswax 10g
Cocosoil 10g
Sheabutter 10g
Castor oil 20g
jojobaoil  10g


Everything (except essential oil ) in one beaker, That you put au bain marie on a fire.
Let it melt approx till 70°C.

10 drops essential oilThan pour it in to the mould for the lipbalm.

(Ingredients for about 10 lipbalm moulds)

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